Micro Tese


Male infertility is the cause of about half of the couples who do not have children in the society. In other words, the male factor may be a problem in approximately half of infertile couples. In cases such as male-related cases such as azoospermia (no sperm), retrograde ejaculation (retrograde ejaculation of sperm), as well as in cases such as female age factor, it may be necessary to start treatment without waiting. The microinjection (ICSI) method has allowed men to have children even if there is no sperm in their semen. However, performing this procedure requires the presence of sperm production in the testicles of the patient, albeit a small one. In other words, sperms must be obtained from the testicles of the patient. Obtaining sperm from the testicles is done by applying different methods according to the patient’s condition. Testicular biopsy can be performed in men with no sperm detected in semen analysis. With this procedure, the reason for the absence of sperm is revealed. In other words, it is revealed whether sperm cannot be made with this method or whether it is not seen in the semen because there is a blockage.

Micro tese method

TESE is a method used to find small sperm-producing foci in the testis in cases with severe sperm production disorders. The presence of sperm is investigated by taking pieces of a few millimeters from several foci from the testis.

What is micro tese?

Micro rotese is the process of finding sperm from the tubes in which sperm are produced under the microscope. With the micro-tese method, there is a 36%-68% chance of finding sperm in cases not related to obstruction, that is, in cases with problems in sperm production. With the micro-tese method, the chance of finding sperm in each biopsy increases with less testicular tissue. In other words, this chance is higher than the classical TESE procedure. In addition, another advantage is that it minimizes vascular injuries in the testicular tissue area during biopsy and helps the embryologist to find sperm more easily in small pieces.

How is Micro Tese done?

In the TESE method, the sac containing the testicles and the sheath surrounding each testis are opened with a small incision. Small pieces of testicular tissue are taken. The cut sections are stitched and the process is terminated.

Micro-tese procedure is the name given to the TESE procedure performed under the microscope. As in the tese procedure, the sheaths around the testis are opened. The testicular tissue is examined with a microscope and samples are taken from the large parts. The cut sections are stitched and the process is terminated. It is thought that this method generally causes less damage to the testicular tissue.

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